Filmic Pro's annual mobile film festival is back for 2023, with submissions now open until December, and is open to filmmakers worldwide with over $75,000 in cash and prizes up for grabs!
FilmicFest debuted in 2018 to showcase mobile films from veteran and up-and-coming filmmakers. The goal for 2023 is to give even more inspiration to the next generation of filmmakers, and there are plenty of prizes — and cash! — to help with those dreams.
This is a great opportunity to show off your talents, whether you are new to mobile filmmaking or a seasoned veteran. And there are some excellent prizes, over $75,000 worth, including:
- $25,000 production grant from Filmic for the Grand Prize winner.
- Over $50,000 in filmmaking gear from sponsors, including Adobe/Film.io, Shotdeck, LumaTouch, Melodie (who also has affordable music you can use for your project), Shotlister, Scriptation, iOgrapher, Zacuto, FilmConvert, and others.
Judges include:
- Lawrence Sher, ASC, Oscar-nominated DP (Joker, The Hangover)
- Atom Egoyan, Oscar-nominated writer and director (The Sweet Hereafter)
- Justine Ezarik, aka, iJustine
- Mel Eslyn, President of Duplass Brothers Productions
- Other industry pros
The rules for FilmicFest 2023 are simple:
- Shoot at least 80% of your project with Filmic Pro on iOS or Android with up to 20% ancillary shot on DSLR, drone, animation, etc
- Films must be 5 minutes long or less; music videos are okay if they're 5 minutes or less. Each film includes a Filmic bumper (or custom logo branding of Filmic) in the credits (4K and 1080p versions of the Filmic bumper are available)
- FilmicFest submissions opened September 7, 2023, and close at 11:59 pm PDT on December 15, 2023.
- Category winners will be announced on January 16, 2024, with the Grand Prize winner announced on January 30, 2024.
Click here for the full list of judges, sponsors, prizes, and categories, plus learn more about the 2023 mobile film festival and submit your movie. Again, this is an excellent opportunity to not only make a fun film but potentially get to the next one with some incredible prizes.
Tags: Production