From opening the show floor on Sunday to new things in new locations, there is plenty on show at NAB Show 2024.
In just over three weeks, the entire industry will be in Las Vegas for the opening day of NAB Show 2024. To be honest it doesn't feel like a year since the last one, the weeks have whistled past and some of the changes we have seen in the industry have been profound. As a result, it is going to be fascinating to see the state of play in many areas at the 2024 edition, and we’ll probably start rounding up some of the news that is already emanating from the 1000 or so exhibitors that cram the halls of the LVCC next week. There’s going to be a lot of it.
But, before we get to all the new stuff, we though it would be good to take a look at the show itself, because it does evolve and add new features to reflect the industry that it promotes.
First off, this year the show floor will open on Sunday, North Hall is closed for renovation, and the Create strand, which is where we tend to find most of the stuff that interests us, will be spread around the South Hall Upper and Lower and the Central Hall.
This subdivides a bit further into:
South Hall Lower Level: Acquisition & Production, Post Production, Content Management & Systems
South Hall Upper Level: Acquisition & Production
Central Hall: The Main Stage (free sessions), and Motion Picture & TV Production
The still slightly odd if you ask us Vegas Loop connects to the West Hall (Connect and Capitalise segments).
New for this year is the Creator Lab in the South Hall Upper, a show floor experience that promises to feature hands-on interaction and workshops, expert panels and networking events focused on creators, equipment, distribution channels and monetization techniques.
Meanwhile, in the Central Hall, CineCentral is back again for 2024 and looks to be the key destination for Hollywood’s cinematic trends and techniques. With expanded space and programming, the NAB blurb states that production and post-production professionals alike will be able to take advantage of hands-on learning led by notable industry leaders, across a wide range of technology and methods, to advance their creative storytelling skills.
As part of this, some Cine Central Workshops that will take place in the CineCentral Theater on the Show Floor. Some highlights announced to date include:
- The Society of Camera Operators Present: Women Camera Operators Workshop
- Drones and the Art of Cinematic Camera Movement
- Kodak Presents: Film Loading Workshop
- Cranes, Dollies, Stabilized Heads: Motion and Movement Workshop
Looking to head to NAB Show 2024? Follow the link for a FREE Exhibits Pass and 10% off when you add more than one conference (not to be combined with any other offer). And for logistics and all that sort of useful thing, the Exhibit hall hours are:
Sunday, April 14 | 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Monday, April 15 | 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Tuesday, April 16 | 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Wednesday, April 17 | 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
See you there somewhere!