Colorgradingcentral.com have kindly uploaded a free tutorial on how to deal with RAW files from the Blackmagic Cinema Camera in conjunction with Resolve
If you have bought or have been thinking of buying a Blackmagic Cinema Camera one of the things you may be wondering about is how are you going to deal with the 12 Bit RAW CinemaDNG files that the camera produces in RAW mode?
As there are almost no editing systems that will take the files natively you are going to have to find a workflow that works with your preferred editing application.
Of course the Camera comes with a copy of Resolve and luckily Denver Riddle, owner of colorgradingcentral.com, has created a free tutorial which demonstrates the workflow to get the media out of Resolve for editing and then back into Resolve for the final grade.
He has even made some RAW material available for download so you can test the workflow on your own system (you need to go to the website and register to download the raw material).
Tags: Post & VFX